Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding the AMS Ship software..


Question: When rating or processing a shipment I am receiving errors such as “Multiple addresses found” ….











or “Address too ambiguous”….











ANSWER: When specifying an address, make sure to be as specific as possible as there are duplicate street names in some cities.  You should specify the address number, followed by direction(“north”, “east” , “south”, “west”) if applicable, followed by the street name, followed by (“street”, “road”, “lane”, “avenue”, boulevard” etc.) followed by any apartment number if applicable.





This tool from USPS can be helpful in making sure that you are not using a duplicate address..

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Question: When rating or processing a shipment I am receiving an error saying “Parcel Weight Must Be Larger Than 0″….











ANSWER: Before rating the shipment you must specify the weight of the package in the “Package (LBS) field.









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